Sunday, 29 July 2012

Fiddlers Ferry

Fiddlers Ferry power station in Cheshire, between Widnes and Warrington. I love industrial stuff as a subject, particularly when it's surrounded by fields. I would have got more pictures but the weather had other ideas.

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Vaguely Erotic Ivy

I took a couple of pictures of this ivy-enveloped branch this week and posted them on Twitter. Comments ranged from "beautiful" to - and this was my favourite - "it looks like naked 90 year olds touching tits". With that kind of feedback I couldn't resist doing some more, so here they are.

This is the one that prompted the 'touching tits' comment. I thought she had it pretty much spot-on.

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Wallerscote Island

Noticed this place a few weeks ago and returned today to take some pictures. Turns out it's a former soda-ash factory. There are some lovely pictures here (far nicer than mine) of the inside. I couldn't get inside because it's being used by some chemical company now, and it's all locked up.

Saturday, 7 July 2012


Latest thingy. Third attempt at this design - the first one snapped and the second one wasn't straight. Reluctantly put copper pins through the joints to strengthen them. Maybe it spoils it a bit, but it was either that or nuts and bolts.