Saturday 17 June 2017


An abandoned US Cold War listening station on a hill in the Grunewald area of Berlin, now home to some excellent street art. Wikipedia link here because I can't be arsed writing any more (what is this, a blog?) Well worth a look if you're visiting the city.

Saturday 18 March 2017

Die bemerkenswerteste Stadt der Welt

Amazing street art and a cathedral that finds its way into every other shot. It must be Berlin.


Sunday 31 March 2013

Canterbury Cathedral

Went to Canterbury Cathedral earlier this week. Switched my camera on only to find that I'd left the memory card at home in Liverpool. Luckily there was a Currys not far away.

Saturday 2 February 2013


Went for a walk around Dungeness a couple of weeks ago. Found two lighthouses, a power station, lots of abandoned bits and pieces, more houses than I expected (including - last picture - the late Derek Jarman's house) and a fucking cold wind. 

Sunday 29 July 2012

Fiddlers Ferry

Fiddlers Ferry power station in Cheshire, between Widnes and Warrington. I love industrial stuff as a subject, particularly when it's surrounded by fields. I would have got more pictures but the weather had other ideas.

Saturday 21 July 2012

Vaguely Erotic Ivy

I took a couple of pictures of this ivy-enveloped branch this week and posted them on Twitter. Comments ranged from "beautiful" to - and this was my favourite - "it looks like naked 90 year olds touching tits". With that kind of feedback I couldn't resist doing some more, so here they are.

This is the one that prompted the 'touching tits' comment. I thought she had it pretty much spot-on.